QR Codes are a simple, quick and efficient 'tell me more' mechanism. You see a newspaper or magazine ad, a product on a store shelf or some other tangible item you're interested in  and normally you have to look up more information on a search engine when you return home. QR Codes remove all this hassle by giving you instant access to more information on that item in front of you, be it a flyer, magazine ad or a bus stop poster. Mobile phones are now one of 2 main information access devices. With over 3 billion mobile phones in the world today the untapped potential of these devices is enormous.

1) How do QR Codes work ?

To enable the mobile phone to understand what action it needs to take when the QR Code is scanned a service type is embedded within the QR code. Service Example Instruction http: http://www.qrme.co.uk Browse to a website mailto: mailto: admin@qrme.co.uk Invoke an email message tel: tel: +44123456789 Telephone a number sms: sms: +4407912345678 Send a sms message

2) How can we use QR Codes ?

With so many of us using a mobile phone these days the possibilities for the use of QR Codes are limitless. Use QR Codes on lawn signs to direct visitors into your web site. Use them to provide easy access to product information on a web page. Use them to provide an instant telephone or SMS connection between you and your customer.

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